Things to do Before going for Long Bike/Car Ride

Bike Trip Tips

Almost everyone young people wanted to go for a long bike or car ride, most of the people see the beautiful pics of the trip to Ladakh and decide to go for the plan without any preparation and planning. Long Rides always sound cool to look but it could be dangerous if we do it without proper planning.


Before going for the long trip, make sure you do the proper planning. I know many of the riders prefer the instant plan for any ride but the long ride is something different and it needs proper planning from start to end.

Bike Maintenance

Bike Trip Tips

Before wandering away from the city, you should learn the basic maintenance tricks which can be helpful if you faced any problem. If you’ve four-wheel then you should know how to change the tire and also check for the extra tire condition. Always carry the bike/car tire repair kit with you.


It’s even dangerous to ride the bike or car in the city without any Insurance. Make sure you have the vehicle insurance before the leaving the home. Best to get the long-term two wheeler insurance, you can even buy the car insurance online.

It’s illegal to ride the vehicle without insurance.

Fuel Stations & Your Vehicle Mileage

Know your vehicle mileage and plan the entire trip according to that. You’ve to calculate the frequency of fuel station on the route. You can use the Internet to find it and create a rough plan. Most of the Highways have fuel stations at regular interval but if you’re going some remote locations then you should plan it before.

First Aid Kit

Carry the emergency first aid kit with you. Take a medical checkup first and consult your doctor before leaving. If you’re going in the Himalayas then you should get the High Altitude sickness medicine.

Carry Light Luggage

Do not carry extra luggage, always travel light. Create the proper checklist which items you need and what you can leave it behind. Traveling in the Himalayas require special cloths to survive the cold. Bike trip needs special attention as you can carry less.


Always stop for the shorts breaks, its advisable to takes rest especially on the bikes. The small stops can recharge you and give the much need boost. Do not travel for than 300 KM in a single day on a bike and 600 KM/day on the car.

Roads trips always look cool from the distance but it’s not that easy as it looks, you’ve to take the road trips seriously. If you like to share any tips or your journey experience then you can comment it below.


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