Most of the car owners do not care much about the car insurance. They generally go with showroom suggestions without any research. There are several ways in which car owners can save the money on annual premium as well get some additional add-ons based on their requirements.
Choosing insurance is not an easy task, the right choice can save both time and money while the wrong choice leads to a big hole in your pocket. We list down some tips to consider before choosing the insurance for your car, read it before you apply for the Car Loan.
1. Decide What you want?
Decide what you want to insure in your car and whether you want to insure the plastic and bumper items or not. Insuring everything may cost you more. If possible, pay for the small scratches and problem at the local garage.
2. Avoid small claims
Just because your car is insured, do not claim the insurance due to a tiny fault. You can go to any local repair shop and do it at a much lower cost. With every claim you made, you’ll lose the no-claim bonus and it’ll increase the premium rate in next year.
3. Anti-theft or Roadside assistance based on your needs
Most of the Insurance providers also include additional services like Anti-theft, riot, roadside assistance etc. Depends on your need to include any of these add-ons in your insurance. If you go on a road trip more often then you may need roadside assistance.
4. Try Cashless
Nowadays, many insurance companies provide the cashless option so you can repair the damage without any paying anything at the selected garage. This type of insurance costs more and the cashless service is available at selected service centers only.
5. Strict with Single garage
To smooth the insurance claim process, always stick to the single garage that which facilitates the insurance claim. This helps you to claim the insurance easily both from insurance company side and mechanic side.
6. Transfer bonus
If you’re selling the old car then you can retain the insurance in your name and transfer it to the new car. This will save you additional money while buying a new car insurance policy.
7. Claim Settlement & Quality Spares
Check how fast the insurance provider will settle your claim. Most of the best companies offer to settle the claim in 7 days. Also, check what material and spares will be used to repair the car. I’ve seen many people avoid the renewal of car insurance and when something wrong happens they get into trouble. Research before selecting any insurance so that you can save some money as you’re already paying the interest rate on car loan.